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Biogas in Belize


Dr. Shakira Hobbs has been working with the Sittee River village in Belize for several years to develop an anaerobic digester in the community. Currently, there is a prototype that is functional, but not widely used. This project will initially be focused on creating some sort of manual that will help the community members properly use the digester. However, the long term goal of this project will be to create a sustainable relationship with the Sittee River community and to be able to send a team of EGG students to Belize every year to conduct various engineering projects based on the community's needs. 

Project Leader

Connor Parish -

Biomedical Engineering 

Graduates: 2021

Faculty Adviser

Update Coming Soon!

Our mission is to inspire students to be proactive and contextually-aware Engineers who empower communities to attain their basic human needs in a sustainable manner.

Engineers Going Global

P.O. Box 4000314

Charlottesville, VA 22904

Although this organization has members who are University of Virginia students and may have University employees associated or engaged in its activities and affairs, the organization is not a part of or an agency of the University. It is a separate and independent organization which is responsible for and manages its own activities and affairs. The University does not direct, supervise or control the organization and is not responsible for the organization’s contracts, acts or omissions.

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